Lalin's Curse Wiki
Delete cover

Delete (sometimes stylized in all capitals) is a 2016 one-shot manga written and illustrated by Isabel Terol Martínez (Isakytm). Delete is the prequel/spinoff of Lalin's Curse. Though it is called a prequel it is not essential to understanding the plot of Lalin's Curse. 

Official Summary[]


La tranquila vida de X se tambalea cuando aparece un siniestro personaje que destroza su hogar y dice actuar en nombre del misterioso “creador”, un ser supremo que planea destruir su mundo. Decidida a evitarlo cueste lo que cueste, X acepta la ayuda del pájaro F:El para desentrañar el misterio e intentar impedir que ese misterioso creador lo destruya todo.[1]


The peaceful life of X is crumpled apart when a sinister being appears and destroys her home, calling themself the mysterious "creator", a being with a supreme plan to destroy the world. Determined to avoid it at all costs, X accepts the help of the bird F:El, in order to unravel the mystery and attempt to prevent the mysterious creator from destroying everything.[2]


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The story takes place in 2010 (two years prior to the start of LC) when both David and Felix are 12 years old.


Where to Read[]

Currently the only two ways to read Delete are by buying the original Spanish version of the book found on Amazon or Normacomics, or by reading the English fan translation found on the Lalin's Curse Amino. It was translated/edited by users Blapi, Butter, Mystic, Wispy, and King, and Isaky has given her nod to it as well.

Isaky has stated that she wants to officially translate and publish Delete in English, although that would be very far in the future.[citation needed]



  • The events of Delete will be explored in further depth in Lalin's Curse.[3]
  • Delete was the winner of the NormaComics contest in 2016.
  • Delete was inspired by RPG Maker games, namely Ib, Yume Nikki, The Witch House, and Corpse Party.[4]
    • David and Felix's game is implied to be created on RPG Maker or a similar program.

